Anritsu Adds Options to Field Master Pro™ RTSA to Address Military and Government Requirements
Allen, TX – January 8, 2021 – Anritsu Company introduces options for its Field Master Pro™ MS2090A handheld real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) that address the requirements of military and government applications. A new pulse analyzer option enables measurement of extremely narrow pulses – even at very low power – for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of defense radar systems, while a second option allows the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capability to be removed from the RTSA, so it supports designated secure laboratory and field environments.
Pulse Analyzer for Pulse Profiling
The Field Master Pro Option 421 offers the ability to automatically measure pulses as narrow as 30 ns (typical), in accordance with IEEE 181-2011. With the option installed in the MS2090A, aerospace and defense engineers and technicians can conduct accurate power measurements (i.e. average, peak, peak-wave, wave, pulse), pulse characteristics, and first and second transition characteristics without the need of tedious, time-consuming setup processes.
The MS2090A’s industry leading 110 MHz real-time analysis bandwidth and -100 dBm noise floor eliminate the need for an external power sensor for pulse measurements, creating user benefits. A reduction in total cost of ownership is realized, and measurements can be made on signals 60 dBm to 70 dBm lower than external sensors. Additionally, power sensors are broadband compared to the MS2090A’s frequency-selective receiver, which allows users to filter out pulses, interference, and noise beyond the band of the signal of interest.
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Removal
To address secure operating environment requirements, Option 6 has been introduced to permanently eliminate the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities in the Field Master Pro MS2090A. The Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chip is physically removed from the instrument motherboard, so wireless transmission capability cannot be activated via software at any point.
Designed for Military and Government Applications
The options complement the MS2090A’s existing support for military and government environments. The Field Master Pro has RTSA tools to accurately measure the amplitude of a single spectrum event as short as 2 µs and detect a single event as minimal as 5 ns, for more accurate detection of signals that are short in duration or hop in frequency.
Additionally, the MS2090A is compatible with the COMINT Consulting Krypto1000 Wideband Signal Analysis and Decoding Suite with IQ data to create a best-in-class field portable solution that effectively addresses the needs of the military and intelligence communities. The MS2090A performs capture and streaming of up to 110 MHz of IQ bandwidth across full 54 GHz, providing a broader range of RF IQ data for post processing to deliver a deeper view of SIGINT and/or COMINT activity.
Field Master Pro Overview
Ideal for a range of current and emerging applications, the Field Master Pro series consists of seven models with frequency coverage of 9 kHz to 9/14/20/26.5/32/43.5 and 54 GHz. The family features best-in-class performance, such as Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) of <-160 dBm and Third Order Intercept (TOI) of typically +20 dBm, for more accurate spectrum clearing, radio alignment, and harmonic and distortion measurements. The 100 MHz modulation bandwidth, along with best-in-class phase noise of typically -110 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset, permit highly accurate modulation measurements on digital systems to be made.
About Anritsu
Anritsu Company is the United States subsidiary of Anritsu Corporation, a global provider of innovative communications test and measurement solutions for 120 years. Anritsu’s “2020 VISION” philosophy engages customers as true partners to help develop wireless, optical, microwave/RF, and digital solutions for R&D, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance applications, as well as multidimensional service assurance solutions for network monitoring and optimization. Anritsu also provides precision microwave/RF components, optical devices, and high-speed electrical devices for communication products and systems. The company develops advanced solutions for 5G, M2M, IoT, as well as other emerging and legacy wireline and wireless communication markets. With offices throughout the world, Anritsu has approximately 4,000 employees in over 90 countries.