(IA) Commerical Aerospace News - Dec 22nd, 2023
(IA) Commerical Aerospace News | View online
December 22, 2023
Part of NASA's Advanced Air Vehicles program, HyTEC was established to accelerate the development of turbofan engine small core technologies.
The tests were conducted at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Flat Floor Facility in Huntsville on a specially designed flat surface which allows objects to glide across a frictionless cushion of air.
The proposed mission would use a wide-field extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imager (ECCCO-I) and a pair of imaging EUV spectrographs (ECCCO-S) to provide the first continuous, high-contrast observations of the middle corona, the outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere.
The De-Ice system generates high-frequency current using devices that weigh an order of magnitude less than traditional equipment.
The Arcus image generator offers realistic, complex synthetic training environments for multiple platforms including fast jet, air transport, mission, rotary wing, and commercial aircraft.
The aircraft was jointly developed by Daher, Safran and Airbus.
The first four aircraft, out of a total of eight to be delivered, are equipped with a cockpit specially designed for the Airbus Flight Academy, including two Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS), to prepare cadet pilots for the technologies in today's advanced commercial aircraft.
Unlock the secrets of cutting-edge satellite technology in our upcoming webinar as Infineon experts delve into the realm of AI-based onboard processing.
If all goes according to plan, a new revision to RTCA DO-160H will be published in 2024. There’s no better time to prepare for the changes the update will bring. Get an in-depth overview of what to expect from this roundtable discussion.
Hyperconverged server supports configurations of as many as five GPUs, 16 fast NVMe solid-state storage devices, and low-latency PCI Express expansion.
The conduction-cooled VITA 48.2 3U VPX router serves as an aggregation point for on-demand network connectivity in mobile or fixed deployments.
The conduction-cooled VITA 48.2 3U VPX router serves as an aggregation point for on-demand network connectivity in mobile or fixed deployments.
Each adapter will double the density of many existing SC/LC-based hardware and thus reduce the total cost per port of the overall system.