MAE Technology Close-up - Jan 23rd, 2024
MAE Technology Close-up | View online
January 23, 2024
This market survey is to identify potential sources able to develop state of the art solutions in 13 air munitions-related research areas.
Aurora Flight Sciences is testing integrated subsystem components, and carrying out CRANE fabrication, assembly, ground test, and flight demonstration.
Icelandair will also be receiving a suite of digital solutions from Panasonic Avionics, including Marketplace, OneMedia, Arc Moving Map, and ZeroTouch.
The latest Virginia-class fast-attack submarines will have additional vertical-launch missile tubes called the Virginia Payload Module (VPM).
Inflation isn't the only thing eating away at the 2024 DOD budget; consider the ever-more-expensive Ukraine war, which has no end in sight.
3DELRR is to be the principal Air Force long-range, ground-based radar to detect, identify, track, and report enemy missiles, aircraft, and UAVs.
Collins will perform critical design analysis and studies for an updated VLF system for the future E-6B TACAMO Recapitalization Program (E-XX).
The APR-39 also functions as an electronic warfare (EW) management system in Northrop Grumman's suite of integrated EW sensors and countermeasures.
ASIMOV will model military machine automation and its ethical difficulties, and build standards against which future autonomous systems may be judged.
The PXIe embedded controller supports high- bandwidth applications with advanced PCI Express Gen 4 and dual 2500BASE-T system interconnectivity.
The embedded computing modules have soldered RAM, and comply with shock and vibration resistance in harsh environments to highest railway standards.
Researchers are exploring cyber-secure internetworking with a secure overlay network on a cyber-secure computer that will enable an overlay network.
Rad-hard SRAMs are designed with Infineon’s RADSTOP technology, which is rad hard through proprietary design and process hardening techniques.
Attributing these malicious cyber attacks can disrupt criminal cyber capabilities, improve law enforcement, and intelligence community responses.