MAE Technology Close-up - Apr 9th, 2024
MAE Technology Close-up | View online
April 9, 2024
Remote identification (RID) is the ability of a drone in flight to broadcast identification and location information.
The MQ-25 aerial refueling tanker is the U.S. Navy's first operational carrier-based unmanned aircraft and is designed to provide refueling capability.
According to three of the largest drone delivery companies in the U.S.,DroneUp, Zipline, and Wing, it’s not a matter of if, but when, drone deliveries reach skies near you, Jennifer...
The NRL Acoustics Division wants to enhance their current fleet of UUVs to accommodate new payload requirements, as well as the purchase of new UUVs.
Interests include architecture; payload capacity; power; computer processing; antennas; solar panels; battery life; autonomous following; and cost.
Project will develop transmit and receive technologies that can achieve performance beyond the Chu limit with electric and magnetic technologies.
NMESIS integrates a Naval Strike Missile (NSM) launcher unit, capable of launching two NSMs, onto a ROGUE-Fires carrier for shore defense.
Nd:YAG lasers are used in engraving, etching, or marking metals and plastics, or for metal surface enhancement processes like laser peening.
The in-flight entertainment (IFE) system features 4K screen technology, enhanced network speeds, and increased storage capacity compared to previous systems.
The avionics subsystems are part of the Automatic Real-Time, Reconfigurable Interface Generalization Hardware (ARRGH) Multiprotocol Data Recorder.

WOLF’s VPX3U-AD5000E-CX7 module is ideal for data-heavy C5ISR and AI tasks. NVIDIA Ada GPUs use a 4N NVIDIA custom manufacturing process which provides denser GPUs with more CUDA and Tensor cores operating at higher clock frequencies, enabling significantly more performance. ConnectX-7 is ideal for fast, secure transfer of sensitive data, providing up to 100GbE and PCle Gen4 speeds.

3D printing has shattered the boundaries of traditional manufacturing by producing complex geometries that previously were impossible to produce.
QuANET to augment existing software infrastructure and networking protocols with quantum properties to mitigate attack vectors in traditional networks.
XChange3030 provides six backplane 40GBASE-KR4, six backplane 10GBASE-KR, two backplane 10GBASE-T, and one front-panel optical Ethernet port.