MAE Newsletter - Apr 29th, 2024
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April 29, 2024
Researchers will detail upcoming efforts photonic, quantum, and organic circuits; sustainable microsystem manufacturing; and commercial scaling.
Aerospace manufacturers and repair facilities will be able to address unplanned downtime and improve asset management utilizing machine learning.

The MTS-3060A SmartCan, the pinnacle of flightline armament test sets, excels in testing all Alternate Mission Equipment (AME) and Aircraft Armament Equipment (AAE), including pylons, launchers, bomb racks, and pods. Serving as the ACE and Multi-capable Airmen enabler, it streamlines logistics and training, reduces test times, and supports all smart and legacy weapons systems.

Aircraft design and operations could benefit from quantum’s accelerating development, Airbus says.
Project seeks to develop receivers and transmitters that are much smaller than the wavelength of the sent and received electromagnetic radiation.
Honeywell is an investor in Lilium and supplies many key components for the Lilium Jet, including e-motors for the engines, avionics, onboard thermal management systems, and the...
The Fluke Calibration 5730A high performance multifunction test system calibrates digital multimeters up to long-scale 8.5 digit digital multimeters.
Highlights will include EW enabling technologies that prime EW systems integrated need most from their suppliers; high-performance embedded computing technologies for EW, and ...

wolfSSL, a leading embedded cryptography provider securing over 2 Billion devices, has support for complete DO-178C DAL A certification offering DO-178 wolfCrypt as a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution for avionics applications, wolfBoot secure boot for avionics and DTLS 1.3, enhancing security for diverse applications, ensuring data integrity, and confidentiality.

Explore the pivotal role of electrical power solutions in advancing the reliability, performance, and sustainability of modern space and airborne systems with Infineon HiRel experts...
Decarbonization efforts essential to the industry goal of "net zero" by 2050, Ines Ferre writes for Yahoo Finance.
Discover the key to high-speed, multi-port mmWave semiconductor device test in an innovative, open-platform solution that maximizes device throughput, leverages advanced modular...
The motor features a cog-free non-saturating design with linear behavior and sine back EMF, and produces an output of 569 Watts at 16,278 rpm.
The enclosures are made of high-impact, UV-resistant polycarbonate. Their lids feature nonmetallic hinges for quick removal and reattachment.
System integrates iQ800 modem from iDirect in Herndon, Va., for connectivity and data transmission at high data rates in demanding environments.
Microchip introduces configurable family of companion driver boards using its Hybrid Power Drive modules available in silicon carbide (SiC) or silicon (Si) technology.