Analog phase shifter MMIC for RF and microwave applications in space introduced by Arralis

May 25, 2018
LIMERICK, Ireland – RF and microwave specialist Arralis Ltd. in Limerick, Ireland, is introducing high-frequency analog phase shifter monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) products for space applications -- particularly for the new generation of mega-constellations for global Internet connectivity.

LIMERICK, Ireland –RF and microwave specialist Arralis Ltd. in Limerick, Ireland, is introducing high-frequency analog phase shifter monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) products for space applications -- particularly for the new generation of mega-constellations for global Internet connectivity.

These MMICs offer more than 360-degree analog phase variation with low insertion loss covering two satellite Ka bands: 17-to-21 GHz and 25.5-to-32.5 GHz.

The product helps track fast-moving low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites because it is analog and has continuous phase variation, an advantage over conventional digital phase shifters.

The extended frequency range of the upper band chip also is suitable for the proposed 5G band and will be for beam steering base stations. In addition, the added benefit of simplified assembly is possible as these chips are available with an integrated power amplifier.

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This development is for designers of connected and autonomous vehicle and 5G systems as a simple solution for reliable, and flat-beam steering and continuous tracking antennas.

We have in essence developed the technology that allows users to continuously track and communicate with low-Earth-orbit satellites in a form that can be easily placed within, or on the roof of, a vehicle, aircraft, satellite, or just about anywhere," says Arralis Group CEO Mike Gleaves.

The chipset is designed as a one-stop communication solution; from satellite hardware to airborne through to ground.

These MMICs, fabricated on a space-qualified process, includes an integrated LO amplifier, IQ mixers and PAs, and LNAs. Arralis products can help reduce Ka Band transceiver size and are an enabler in reducing satellite size, power, and weight.

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Ka band antennas are 400 percent smaller than their Ku band rivals which opens up the consumer and connected vehicle markets to high data rate and low latency satellite communications.

Companies such as Facebook, Inmarsat and SpaceX have announced their plans to use Ka band to provide broadband services around the globe with the initial SpaceX deployment consisting of an 4,425 satellites with Ka band payloads.

For more information contact Arralis online at

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