Artificial intelligence (AI) helps with human military decision-making and to new autonomous systems

July 16, 2020
The U.S. and its allies increasingly are challenged by Russia and China, and AI may prove even more valuable with sensors and countermeasures.

LONDON – Humans now share their world with artificial intelligence (AI). AI does most tasks much better than we do. It can sift through data much more quickly than humans; it is adept at pattern matching; it is not prone to fatigue, to stress, or self-doubt. For these reasons, it is the subject of immense investment. Wavell Room reports. Continue reading original article

The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:

16 July 2020 -- AI swiftly has made the leap from a civilian to a military application. Since Alan Turing’s bombe literally ‘cracked the code’ in Bletchley Park all those years ago, we have come to rely on the power of computation to achieve superhuman results.

AI is implicated intimately in defense as a means of overcoming the sluggish, fickle, and error-prone nature of human military decision-making. If the wars of the 21st Century have imparted a singular lesson it is this: having our troops mired in ambiguous situations, unable to see into the next compound, incapable of loitering without exposing themselves to mortal risk is increasingly unacceptable to the generals, politicians, and citizens ultimately who put them there.

Enter technology: uninhabited, quasi-autonomous systems designed to undertake these kinds of prolonged and dangerous measures are perfect solutions for the kinds of stability operations we repeatedly and incessantly find ourselves in. Algorithms already create search patterns, power facial and signature recognition systems, and remain at their posts indefinitely.

Related: Artificial intelligence (AI) for battlefield decision-making among top Army research initiatives for 2019

Related: Army researchers mull artificial intelligence (AI) to enable soldiers to control unmanned combat vehicles

Related: Army taps DCS Corp. to study how human soldiers interact with artificial intelligence (AI) on the battlefield

John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics

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