General Dynamics delivers first wideband radome to Boeing for F-15 Radar Modernization Program
Posted by John McHale
CHARLOTTE, N.C., 5 April 2010. General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products delivered its first wideband nose radome to Boeing in support of the F-15 Radar Modernization Program (RMP).
The RMP radome will fly on the U.S. Air Force F-15E as part of the RMP upgrade. Benefits of the radome include superior electrical performance over a wide frequency range, low weight, low part count, and the ability to perform in high heat and stress environment. The radome also includes the installation and integration of an instrument landing system antenna.
"We are pleased to achieve this program milestone on schedule and within budget to support Boeing's work on the F-15 RMP," says Jim Losse, vice president and general manager of advanced materials for General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products. "Our team in Marion has built wideband radomes for years, and we are excited to add the F-15 RMP nose radome to our facility and workforce's capabilities."
The SDD contract scope includes radome design, material strength and environmental testing, environmental and structural qualification, tool design, fabrication, assembly, and repair-methods development. Production and program management is being performed at General Dynamics' advanced materials facility in Marion, Va. Ten radomes will be built as part of the SDD phase, with deliveries completed in April 2011.