Rockwell Collins Edge B737 NG simulator achieves FAA Level D certification
June 5, 2010
Posted by John McHaleCEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa 5 June 2010. Rockwell Collins achieved Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 60 Level D qualification for its Edge Boeing 737 NG Full Flight Simulator (FFS). The simulator, delivered in April, is located at Pan Am International Flight Academy's North American training center in Miami. "This qualification marks the first FAA Level D certification for our Edge system -- adding to the U.K. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Level D qualification we received in November with our 737 NG simulator at CTC Aviation in Southampton, United Kingdom," says Ken Schreder, vice president and general manager of Simulation and Training Solutions for Rockwell Collins. "Both are critically important milestones as we look to further grow this part of our commercial simulation business."The Edge 737 FFS is part of a family of Edge training solutions from Rockwell Collins, based on the company's CORE simulation architecture. The system features:- advanced display and image generating technology; - configurable instructor suite that provides the ability to customize training to match the needs of trainees; and - an open systems hardware and software architecture that supports upgrades, allowing proactive obsolescence management and integration of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology.
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