Introduced in 2008, the G650 will carry eight passengers and a crew of four on nonstop legs of 7,000 nautical miles, which enables the aircraft to link Dubai with New York, and London with Buenos Aires. With its powerful Rolls-Royce BR725 engines, the G650 will cover shorter distances at a speed of Mach 0.925 -- close to the speed of sound.
The G650 avionics includes Enhanced Vision System (EVS) II, the Head-Up Display (HUD) II and the synthetic vision-primary flight display (SV-PFD). Its Planeview II cockpit comes with a Triplex flight management system, automatic emergency descent mode, 3-D weather radar, and other advanced flight controls for pilot situational awareness and safety.
The four G650 aircraft in the flight-test program have flown more than 2,225 hours during more than 675 flights. One of those aircraft has a outfitted interior, allowing the company to confirm weight projections and test new features, including its Cabin Essential design for redundant cabin systems. Seven production aircraft have flown in preparation for their induction into final phase manufacturing. More than 20 aircraft are in various stages of initial or final phase production.
Gulfstream Aerospace is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE:GD). For more information contact Gulfstream Aerospace online at