CHICAGO - United Airlines doesn’t expect to fly dozens of Boeing 777 jets, grounded more than a year ago after one suffered an engine failure, until at least mid-May. The airline had most recently planned for at least some of the planes to return to service this month, Leslie Josephs reports for CNBC. Continue reading original article.
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
15 April 2022 - Josephs notes in her piece that as travel rebounds, the large 777 would help serve what is shaping to be a "bustling" spring travel season.
In February 2021, a United flight from Denver to Honolulu experienced an engine failure. Thankfully, the flight safely returned to Denver with no injuries reported. The aircraft was powered by Pratt & Whitney 4000 engines.
The Federal Aviation Administration issued safety directives to inspect fan blades on the P&W power plants. United noted in a statement that it planned to return the 777 to the skies in May, and the company is working closely with Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, and the FAA.
Related: United Airlines 777 jet loses engine cowling mid-flight over Pacific
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Jamie Whitney, Associate Editor
Intelligent Aerospace