FRANKFURT - Germany's Frankfurt Airport (FRA) needed new scanners for its security checkpoints. They found their solution from Leidos in Reston, Va.
FRA selected Liedos' ClearScan computed comography (CT) scanner for a new security lane opened in Concourse A.
Leidos says the ClearScan offers enhanced security while also increasing passenger convenience as the CT scanner allows liquids and electronics to remain in baggage, speeding up the security process and lessening logjams of people putting their belongings back into their luggage.
In the event something suspicious is spotted, the alarmed bag is automatically diverted to be checked while cleared bags proceed uninterrupted. Leidos says its scanning system can process more than 350 passengers per hour.
Long queues and staff shortages still impact many airports across the globe as passenger travel continues to reach pre-COVID levels. There is also a growing consensus within the global aviation community on the need to replace conventional X-ray machines with CT scanners. Airports in London, Atlanta, Amsterdam, and Chicago were the first to adopt these systems, with positive results for several years.
"We are thrilled to support Fraport and bring the latest technologies to Germany's largest aviation gateway," said Brad Buswell, Senior Vice President and Operations Manager at Leidos. "The company's Security Enterprise Solutions operation works diligently with our partners and customers to deliver real solutions that enable safe and efficient passenger movement. We're excited to see these innovations expand and support Germany's work safeguarding passengers."