GRENCHEN, Switzerland - Diamond Aircraft Austria said it signed a letter of intent with Lufthansa Aviation Training to explore the possibilities of increased sustainability in flight training. The agreement includes testing Diamond’s electric-powered eDA40 at Lufthansa’s training base, with Lufthansa becoming the launch customer for the electric aircraft, Jonathan Welsh reports for Flying. Continue reading original article.
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
9 March 2023 - Within the scope of the collaboration, the eDA40 will be tested in a real training environment at LAT’s Switzerland base in Grenchen. Results will help to further develop the e-aircraft for flight training and to explore options for a suitable operation of a mixed training fleet consisting of the eDA40 and the conventional AUSTRO jet-fuel powered DA40 NG. LAT has declared its intention to be the eDA40 launch customer for the EASA region and purchase a number of eDA40 for their flight training program to comply with the Lufthansa Group sustainability targets. More information on that will be released at a later stage. In addition, both companies will analyze and develop the use of SAF fuels for the entire Diamond piston aircraft range and jointly work on further projects such as sustainable propulsions, further operational options for trainer aircraft and synthetic flight training devices.
The aircraft will feature the latest Garmin G1000 NXi glass cockpit with several avionics add-ons, Safran’s ENGINeUSTM 100 electric smart motor and Electric Power Systems’ EPiC battery technology. Total flight time is expected to be up to 90 minutes as the battery technology evolve.
“We are excited and honored to announce renowned Lufthansa Aviation Training as our launch customer for our all-electric eDA40 and as a strong partner for an important and trendsetting collaboration for a better tomorrow,” said Liqun (Frank) Zhang, CEO Diamond Aircraft Austria. “Creating an eco-conscious and cost-effective option for the training market has always been at the core of Diamond Aircraft. The eDA40 with its proven airframe, the quick recharge capability and the low operating cost will be an excellent aircraft for LAT’s carbon neutral approach. With our agreement we expect a huge step towards a greener aviation future and to develop the most advanced electric training aircraft in the world.”
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Jamie Whitney, Associate Editor
Military + Aerospace Electronics