EL SEGUNDO, Calif., - Skyryse in El Segundo, Calfi. unveiled its Skyryse One rotorcraft, which the company claims is the first production helicopter to be operated with a single control stick and two touchscreens. Skyryse says the aircraft is powered by the company's proprietary operating system, SkyOS. Skyryse says that SkyOS offers simplified control and an aircraft-agnostic, triply-redundant fly-by-wire system.
Skyryse has removed the complex mechanical controls and replaced them with a single four-axis control stick reminiscent of that found in an F-35, thanks to a completely integrated fly-by-wire system and flight control software. The single control stick is combined with two intuitive touch screens, uncluttered by the traditional complex array of boxes, controls, and indicators. The Skyryse One cockpit puts the pilot fully in command while freeing them from mundane, error-prone chores.
Skyrise highlighted the technological breakthroughs enabled by its SkyOS operating system, including its fly-by-wire flight system, which provides a true full four-axis flight control.
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Dynamic envelope protection is provided by utilizing triply redundant flight controls that combine pilot inputs, environmental conditions, aircraft status, and flight parameters.
Fully automated autorotation is enabled as the Skyryse SkyOS recognizes a power failure and automatically enters into an autorotation, automating the glide, flare, and set-down, with the pilot in control.
In this situation, helicopter pilots have less than two seconds to perform a fully manual series of multiple control movements in a maneuver called autorotation. Using proprietary redundant flight controls and a suite of sensors, the Skyryse system quickly recognizes a power failure and sets in motion multiple procedures, and with a push of a button, makes the landing uneventful. From entry to steady descent, it lowers the pitch, aligns the nose, manages aircraft stability, completes the flare, and lands at the desired landing location.
The Skyryse One will also auto-pickup and set down at a pilot's command with just one swipe on the screen.