WASHINGTON – As the U.S. Space Force builds out its fiscal 2022 budget, the nascent service is developing a new strategy to govern how it builds and leases satellite communications (SATCOM) and services. C4ISRnet reports. Continue reading original article
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
22 Sept. 2020 -- The strategy follows an earlier Space Force document that formally lays out the military’s desire to have one SATCOM architecture that can keep war fighters connected even in contested, degraded, and operationally-limited environments.
Today the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) relies on a loose federation of stovepiped, government-built satellites and commercial providers for connectivity, yet the Space Force wants to enable warfighters to roam from one signal to another to maintain their connections.
Commercial providers have expressed cautious optimism with the Space Force’s new one-architecture approach, while arguing that the effort needs more funding and more specifics.
John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics