Cedip Infrared offers battery and screen options for Silver IR cameras
Cedip Infrared Systems in Croissy-Beaubourg, France, is offering long-life battery and integrated screen options for its range of Silver high-performance infrared cameras. The add-on video screen enables users of Silver IR cameras to set up and align experiments even when the camera is remote from the computer. In conjunction with the portable long-life battery pack, Cedip Infrared Systems is now able to offer a complete solution for making thermal measurement remote from a PC and electrical power source. Applications that will benefit from the options will include stress measurement of outdoor structures, nondestructive testing, and portable IR experiments where direct access to a PC or electrical power source is difficult. For more information contact Cedip Infrared online at www.cedip-infrared.com.
Intense unveils high-power semiconductor laser diodes
Intense Ltd. in Glasgow, Scotland, is unveiling the Hermes family of high-power laser diodes for high-power uses such as computer-to-plate printing, defense, industrial, and coding and marking applications. Through the company’s patented Quantum Well Intermixing (QWI) technology, the laser diodes provide brightness, long lifetimes, and high reliability, company officials say. Intense’s Quantum Well Intermixing process allows for the integration of passive areas within the active region of high-power laser diodes. Passive nonabsorbing mirrors are created at the facet regions of the laser cavities to avoid catastrophic optical mirror damage (COMD), a problem frequently encountered in typical laser devices. This, combined with the company’s proprietary design techniques, results in diodes of superior brightness, longer lifetimes, and increased reliability. For more information contact Intense online at www.intenseco.com.