Temic unveils rad-tolerant gate arrays

June 1, 1998
Engineers at Temic Semiconductors in Nantes, France, are introducing a group of radiation-tolerant gate arrays for defense and aerospace applications such as encrypted communications networks, very-high-resolution radars, and wideband communications satellites. The Temic MG2RT series sea of gates devices resists single-event latchup and upset, and can withstand total-dose radiation of more than 100 kilorads. These gate arrays are similar to Temic`s commercial-grade MG2 series in that they have c

Engineers at Temic Semiconductors in Nantes, France, are introducing a group of radiation-tolerant gate arrays for defense and aerospace applications such as encrypted communications networks, very-high-resolution radars, and wideband communications satellites. The Temic MG2RT series sea of gates devices resists single-event latchup and upset, and can withstand total-dose radiation of more than 100 kilorads. These gate arrays are similar to Temic`s commercial-grade MG2 series in that they have common design tools and libraries, have gate utilization of more than 75 percent with three metal layers, and have gate counts of as many as 700,000. For more information, contact Temic by phone at 011-33-1-30-60-70-68, by fax at 011-33- 1-30-60-70-06, or on the World Wide Web at http://www.temic.de/semi. - J.K.

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