Engineers at Raytheon Company in Waltham, Mass., needed single board computers for a targeting pod in Navy F-18 fighter jets. They found a solution with Radstone Technology, in Billerica, Mass.
Radstone will supply PPC4A single board computers, MIL STD 1553 interfaces, and Fibre Channel modules for incorporation into 521 ATFLIR pods.
ATFLIR, the Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infra Red pod, offers enhanced target detection and recognition range compared to first-generation systems, extending the capability and survivability of Navy F/A-18 Hornet fighter aircraft squadrons.
Its target detection range shows a four-fold improvement over previous systems, and laser designation is effective at altitudes up to 50,000 feet and at a slant range of greater than 30 miles.
The computers are scheduled for delivery over the next five years, with a net additional value to Radstone of $12 million.
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