Simulation and training experts at General Dynamics Corp. will enhance the capabilities of a U.S. Army intelligence and electronic warfare (EW) electronic simulator to improve the training of U.S. military intelligence analysts. The Army Program Executive for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation (PEO STRI) in Orlando, Fla., announced a $9.7 million contract to the General Dynamics Corp. Mission Systems segment in Laurel, Md., for enhancements to the Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer (IEWTPT). The IEWTPT simulates and stimulates military intelligence warfighting equipment and tools to provide proficiency and sustainment training for military intelligence personnel, battle staff, system operators, collectors, and analysts. Army intelligence experts are asking General Dynamics to start with the existing IEWTPT block 1 baseline and add block 2 military intelligence training capabilities to augment, enhance, and improve the current IEWTPT's military intelligence training capabilities.