ARLINGTON, Va., 12 June 2009. EADS North America and its subsidiary, American Eurocopter, have selected the industry team that will provide components and sub-systems for the UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter Security and Support (S&S) mission equipment package (MEP).
The UH-72A in the S&S configuration will provide Army National Guard units the flexibility to respond to a variety of homeland security, homeland defense, and civil law enforcement support missions. The mission equipment package consists of an electro-optical infrared sensor, data communications suite, moving map display, cabin and cockpit screens, a digital video recorder, and a searchlight.
Companies selected to provide key components and sub-systems for the S&S mission equipment package are:
-- LCX Systems; Sarasota, Fla.
-- Sierra Nevada Corp.; Sparks, Nev.
-- Ranger Rotorcraft Group; Fort Worth, Texas
-- MARK IV Luminator; Plano, Texas
-- L-3 Communications; New York, N.Y.
The Army plans to equip 200 National Guard Lakota's with the S&S mission equipment package.
UH-72As are used in operations across the country that include MEDEVAC (medical evacuation) and evacuation missions, general and multi-role support missions, VIP transport, and paradrop operations. Lakotas also participated in disaster relief and coordination missions for Hurricanes Ike and Gustav in the southern U.S. last September.
Current basing and operating locations for the UH-72A fleet include the Eastern Army National Guard Aviation Training Site in Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa.; Fort Eustis and Fort Belvoir, Va.; Fort Polk and Pineville, La.; Fort Irwin, Calif.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Morrisville, N.C.; Tupelo, Miss.; Burlington, Vt.; Austin, Texas; the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.; Washington, D.C.; Puerto Rico; and the Arkansas National Guard.