- Communications
Rugged, lightweight shortwave infrared (SWIR) lenses with low F numbers introduced by Clear Align
EAGLEVILLE, Pa., 26 July 2010. Clear Align in Eagleville, Pa., is introducing the INSPIRE line of lightweight high-performance shortwave infrared (SWIR) lenses for short-wavelength-infrared detection in applications such as unmanned vehicles, night vision, search and rescue, and infrared tracking. This series of pre-engineered SWIR lenses have F-numbers as low as 1.0. The Modulation Transfer Function enables the SWIR lenses to provide high-resolution imaging across the 0.6- to 1.7-micron imaging band. The ruggedized mechanical design allows the lenses to withstand harsh environments, and is athermalized from -20 to 60 degrees Celsius.