V-I Chip Inc., a subsidiary of Vicor Corp. in Andover, Mass., is introducing a 120-watt, 1/32nd brick BCM bus converter with 94.5 percent power efficiency to power non-isolated POL converters or as an isolated voltage source for ATE, server, telecom, and industrial-control applications. The VIB0101THJ uses a sine amplitude converter (SAC) for a power density of 840 watts per cubic inch. The half-inch square, half-chip package enables a low-impedance interconnect to the system board and reduces the power system volume. The V-I Chip package provides flexible thermal management through its low junction-to-board and junction-to-case thermal resistance. The BCM’s low-impedance SAC enables a 16x capacitance reduction. The BCM bus converter package is compatible with standard pick-and-place and surface-mount assembly processes. For more information, visit V-I Chip online at www.vicorpower.com.