Navy researchers issue laundry list of anti-terrorism technologies for development and prototyping

Feb. 4, 2016
ARLINGTON, Va., 4 Feb. 2016. U.S. Navy researchers are asking for industry's help in developing a variety of new anti-terrorism technologies and prototype systems for fighting international terrorism.
ARLINGTON, Va., 4 Feb. 2016. U.S. Navy researchers are asking for industry's help in developing a variety of new anti-terrorism technologies and prototype systems for fighting international terrorism.

Officials of the Navy Engineering Logistics Office in Arlington, Va., issued a solicitation this week (16-Q-4531) for the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office Broad Agency Announcement.

The program seeks innovative research and development projects in:

-- advanced analytic capabilities (AAC);
-- chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE);
-- improvised device defeat/explosives countermeasures (IDD/EC);
-- investigative and forensic science (IFS);
-- irregular warfare and evolving threats (IW/ET);
-- personnel protection (PP);
-- physical security (PS);
-- surveillance, collection, and operations support (SCOS);
-- tactical operations support (TOS); and
-- training technology development (TTD).

Navy researchers are interested in a wide variety of enabling technologies ranging from biometrics, compact robot, close air support, defensive computer tactics, encryption, to laser Doppler vibrometry.

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Proposals may involve keywords such as acoustic signature; aerosol; air employable; aircraft; ammunition; analysis; android; anti-tamper restraint; attribution; augmented reality; ballistic clay; ballistic testing; biometric; biometrics identity intelligence; body armor; brilliant; and bullet.

Other keywords of interest include cardiological; cellular 3G LTE; chemical agents; chemical hazard; chemical warfare agents; classified processing; close air support; compact robot; computer based simulation; cyber media exploitation; data; decision support tools; decontaminated; defensive computer tactics; detection; detector; and disorient.

Other keywords are emerging technologies; enclave; encryption; explosive; female armor; fingerprint; flash; formal informal content; Fourier transform infrared; full body; full motion video; fuse data sources; game engine; GPS; handcuffs; handheld; head mounted ; display; homemade explosives; horizontal directional drilling; human language technologies; and human performance technology.

Other keywords are illicit tunneling operations; images text processing; improved locking mechanism; information network infrastructure; inhalation hazard; innovative training technology; instructor led; integrated platform solutions; interactive scenarios; JTAC; laser based simulation; laser Doppler vibrometry; laser range finder; law enforcement; learning management system; light; line of site; live role player; liveness detection; low profile SCBA.

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Other keywords are mannequin; man-portable; maritime; mobile learning; mobile learning applications; multi-lingual data exploitation; navigation system; near field communication; needs analysis; next generation materials; non-attributable; non-intrusive; non-radioactive ionization; NSA Type 1 encryption; offensive cyber operations; offensive systems; packable; partner capacity building; partner nation assistance; personal protective equipment; photoreceptors; picogram; processing classified data; public safety.

Other keywords are raman; RC; realistic responses; reconnaissance; remote advise assist; remote mentorship; remote operation; remotely piloted aircraft; respirator; ruggedized; sampling; secure unclass; self-contained breathing apparatus; sensory feedback; server; share; sid lid sad; simulation; SIPRNET; situational awareness; small arms; smart phone; sniper; sniper marksmanship training; social media exploitation; socio-cultural dynamics; software defined radio; special communications; special operations; special operations forces; speech video analysis; strategic tactical speaker; subsonic; subterranean; supersonic; surveillance detection; surveillance training; and systems integrator.

Other keywords are tactical; tactical communications; tactical operations; tactical reconnaissance; tagging tracking locating; technical surveillance; test device; through-wall scanning; toxic industrial chemicals; trace; training support package; tunnel detection; unconventional warfare; unique signature; us southwest border; vapor; variable message format; vehicle mounted navigation; virtual accompany kit; virtual advise assist; virtual reality; void detection; VOIP; vulnerability; vulnerable; weapon; wearable sensors; wearable technology; weather sensor; WiFi; and wireless.

Companies interested should submit proposals no later than 4 March 2016 online at Email questions or concerns to [email protected]. More information is online at

About the Author

John Keller | Editor

John Keller is editor-in-chief of Military & Aerospace Electronics magazine, which provides extensive coverage and analysis of enabling electronic and optoelectronic technologies in military, space, and commercial aviation applications. A member of the Military & Aerospace Electronics staff since the magazine's founding in 1989, Mr. Keller took over as chief editor in 1995.

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