NEWTON, Mass., Feb. 16, 2012. DSP Development Corporation announced FFT and Matrix accelerator modules for DADiSP, the engineering spreadsheet designed specifically for technical data analysis.
The DADiSP/FFTXL plug-in module automatically accelerates FFT computations and FFT based analysis routines. FFTXL uses the Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) and takes advantage of the latest instruction sets, parallelism and algorithms to yield an optimized FFT function that can bring about performance gains of 2x to 10x over the standard built-in FFT function.
The DADiSP/MatrixXL Module builds upon LAPACK, Linear Algebra PACKage, provided by Intel MKL to accelerate core matrix computations. LAPACK is an industry standard software library that provides a number of matrix routines including functions to solve linear equations, least squares systems, eigenvalue and singular value decomposition problems. MatrixXL delivers speed increases of 3x to 50x over the standard built-in matrix functions.
Both FFTXL and MatrixXL are compatible with DADiSP 6.5 and require no changes to existing analysis routines.