Single board computer designer GE Fanuc offers software development tool for embedded development

March 18, 2009
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., 18 March 2009. Single board computer specialist GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms in Charlottesville, Va., is introducing the AXISLib-CL signal and vector processing library for software development.

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., 18 March 2009.Single board computer specialist GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms in Charlottesville, Va., is introducing the AXISLib-CL signal and vector processing library for software development in military and aerospace applications such as defense radar, sonar system development, and signals intelligence (SIGINT).

The AXISLib-CL military software library is an embedded development tool not only for developers of SIGINT and other military embedded applications, but also for commercial embedded systems like medical imaging where rapid development of sophisticated digital signal processing and image processing applications is a requirement.

AXIS is GE Fanuc's advanced multiprocessor integrated software development environment, designed to speed and simplify the creation and debugging of sophisticated digital signal processing (DSP) applications.

AXISLib-CL extends its capabilities by providing platform-independent DSP and mathematical functions. This allows developers to begin work on application software ahead of the identification, testing and procurement of the target hardware platform, substantially reducing time to deployment.

"The requirement to field advanced embedded systems in the shortest possible time is intensifying rapidly," said Peter Cavill, general manager of military & aerospace at GE Fanuc. "AXISLib-CL responds to this requirement, saving time and money, as well as widening the choices available to the system architect by removing hardware selection from the critical path of early application development and testing."

AXISLib-CL is a linkable software library that enables software developers to build DSP and vector math algorithms from a suite of library functions, and runs on a range of processors including those from Freescale and Intel.

For more information contact GE Fanuc online at

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