Powered by dual Intel Xeon E5 processors using "Broadwell" microarchitecture, the HDS6603B blade server has the cooling, packaging and interconnect technologies found in earlier generations of Mercury Xeon E5 blades. These open-systems technologies have a technology readiness level of nine (TRL-9).
Intel's Broadwell architecture reduces fabrication geometry to increase clock speed and core count options, while lowering the power consumed. With as many as 28 cores from dual 2.2 GHz, QPI-enabled devices, each HDS6603B blade delivers an 1.61 teraFLOPs of general-purpose processing power.
Mercury's blade servers offer long life-cycles, high-performance, environmental resiliency, interoperability, and size, weight, and power (SWaP) optimization.
EnsembleSeries HDS6603B blades offer optional BuiltSECURE technologies to counter nation-state reverse engineering with systems security engineering (SSE) that enables turnkey or private and personalized security solutions to be configured.
The extensible nature of Mercury's SSE delivers systemwide security that evolves over time, building in future proofing. As countermeasures are developed to offset emerging threats, Mercury's security framework keeps pace, maintaining system-wide integrity.
The embedded computing blades capitalize on enhanced commercial components, board fabrication rules, and subsystem design techniques for extra durability and withstand extreme temperature cycles and mechanical excitation better than other rugged designs.
EnsembleSeries HDS6603B server blades are packaged using Mercury's proven fifth generation of advanced packaging, cooling and interconnects. Collectively these technologies protect the blades from harsh environments, keeping them cool while enabling consistent 40 gigabits per second in-system OpenVPX switch fabric bandwidth.
The blades are OpenVPX-compliant, making them for technology refreshes, and are designed, manufactured, coded and supported in the U.S. from DMEA-certified facilities. For more information contact Mercury Systems online at www.mrcy.com.
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