Cobham RAD Solutions

Colorado Springs, CO 80919


About Cobham RAD Solutions



5030 Centennial Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
United States

More Info on Cobham RAD Solutions

Cobham RAD offers radiation testing, screening and assembly services such as MIL-STD radiation effects test services, high/low dose Co60 gamma tests, neutron displacement damage testing, single-event effects testing, and device preparation for single-event effects (SEE) testing. Offers rad-tolerant A-D converters.


Radiation Test Solutions offers the SEREEL2 laser-based single-event upset tester to help save time and cost for radiation-hardened electronics testing.

The evolving world of radiation-hardened electronics for space

Space electronics devices are becoming smaller and more complex, which is putting pressure on designers to move to plastic packaging, and invest in new test and upscreening technologies...
Cobham 17 Nov 2020

High-density NAND flash data storage offered by Cobham

The 4-terabit triple-level cell NAND flash memory module fits into an industry-standard 12-by-18-millimeter plastic-encapsulated microcircuit package.

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