This cable incorporates innovative design features that providemaximum electrical performance in a small, lightweight,flexible package.This cable is manufactured with a white ETFE jacket that islaser-markable and also very rugged, passing the abrasiontesting of EN3475-503. The data pairs are manufacturedusing a high temp Fluoropolymer. The data pairs willperform exceptionally for low skew video applications.Data transmission aboard aircraft faces more severeenvironmental and EMI situations than conventional LANsystems in commercial buildings, hence special measureshave been taken to preserve technical performance.E5E2224-D is ideal for harsh environment applicationsthat demand high reliability, maximum flexibility and lightweight, such as cabin management, in-flight entertainment,internet backbones. It is Skydrol resistant, RoHS compliantand passes the FAA flammability requirements of FAR Part23 and 25, Appendix F.