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Application Note: VSC Series Space COTS DC-DC Converters and EMI Filters

July 14, 2023
New technological advancements and private sector investment are driving rapid growth in the commercial space industry and have led to the emergence of a NewSpace market.

New technological advancements and private sector investment are driving rapid growth in the commercial space industry and have led to the emergence of a NewSpace market. These innovations have made space more accessible and affordable by lowering the barriers to entry and allowing new companies to participate in the space economy. Emerging aerospace companies are driving innovations to reduce costs and development time.

Until now, the space market has relied exclusively on costly space-qualified, hybrid DC-DC converters. The VSC Series DC-DC converters are radiation tolerant, high-performance, and reliable, packed into a small, light brick. VPT’s VSC Series DC-DC converters are designed to meet the requirements for suborbital applications, low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, and NASA class D missions, making the VPT’s VSC Series DC-DC converter the leading, low-cost, commercially available power solution for the NewSpace market. 

The VSC Series offers high-reliability, space-qualified COTS DC-DC converters, and EMI filters, supporting the need for a radiation tolerant, low-cost power solution for NewSpace applications. Radiation performance guaranteed to 30krad(Si) for TID, including ELDRS and SEE performance to 30 MeV/mg/cm2. Designed for NASA class D and LEO missions, the VSC Series blends a proven design heritage, performance, and assembly techniques in a robust package. The VSC5 dual and VSC30 single output converters are shown above in Figure 1.