SEVILLE, Spain - The Airbus C295 Flight Test Bed 2 (FTB2) has successfully performed its maiden flight from the final assembly line in Seville. The aircraft now starts a flight campaign with the aim of testing the new semi-morphing wing, the new flight control system, as well as a SatCom antenna embedded within the aircraft’s fuselage.
Based on the Airbus C295, the Flight Test Bed 2 is an in-flight demonstrator of the European Clean Sky 2 (CS2) and the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, where technologies related to CS2’s future regional multimission aircraft are tested.
The modifications include new materials and technologies designed to achieve noise, CO2 and NOx emissions reduction. With these technologies applied in a future regional multimission configuration, up to 43% CO2 and 70% NOx reductions can be achieved in a typical Search and Rescue mission of 400 nautical miles, as well as 45% less noise during take-off.
The main modifications in the aircraft are a new high-efficiency semi-morphing wing, new dynamic winglets and a flat panel SATCOM antenna integrated within the top of the fuselage. In addition, innovative flight controls for primary control surfaces, including ailerons, flaps and flap tabs with improved aerodynamics, are capable of adjusting in-flight and contribute to a more efficient high lift system.
The new flight control system leverages digital control systems to optimize the aerodynamic shape of the wing in flight, while a new multifunctional flap has been completely redesigned and includes flap tabs in the trailing edge controlled by electro-mechanical actuators.