High-level personnel at the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MOD) needed a way to help soldiers familiarize themselves with urban battle locales and situations. They settled on Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2) from Bohemia Interactive in Wilmington, Del.
The MOD VBS2 enterprise license, distributed by Calytrix Pty Ltd. of Perth, Australia, provides soldiers with a flexible solution for collective and tactical training, mission rehearsal, experimentation, and terrain/3D model visualization for area of operation (AO) familiarization.
Bohemia Interactive Australia is providing the following software and services to the United Kingdom MOD: site licenses for VBS2, a VBS2 tool suite, HLA/DIS Gateway (LVC Game by Calytrix), a specifically tailored United Kingdom module (units, vehicles, weaponry, aircraft, and ships), training courses, product support, and a custom terrain module including an urban area, a large detailed building complex, an airfield, and a harbor.
For more information, visit Bohemian Interactive online at www.bistudio.com and www.vbs2.com.