By Kelly Sewell
SAN FRANCISCO - The $75 million merger between object-oriented software tools companies Thomson Software Products of San Diego and Interactive Development Environments (IDE) of San Francisco is complete. The merged company, which is called Aonix, is based in San Francisco.
The company is combining the offerings of its predecessors and leveraging off the synergy between each company`s products, says Jacques Brygier, director of product marketing. Thomson has long been a leading supplier of Ada tools including ObjectAda, while IDE is known for its modeling, analysis, and design tools, including Software through Pictures.
"IDE and Thomson Software Products had a big presence in the defense market. The future will revolve around the integration of three product lines: StP, Object Ada, and Teleuse, our GUI," Brygier says. "We want a full-lifecycle product offering, but we want to keep it open and leave choices to our customers - we want to convince them that with three products combined, they have a great solution."
Company officials claim the combined products represent the first cross-functional model- driven development environment for the commercial and technical object-oriented development markets.
Aonix`s new chief executive is Chris Kenber, who was formerly CEO at IDE.