MIAMI, 18 July 2012. Advanced high performance semiconductor devices can be sensitive to single event latch-up (SEL) effect when exposed under radiation in the space environment. Even if SEL is a very rare event, it can lead to a self destruction of the device and should be mitigated to ensure the reliability and life time of the application. In order to combat SELs, 3D Plus has created the 3DPM0168 LCL Module, a device which monitors the supply line of a radiation sensitive device and switches it off instantaneously in case of any overvoltage or radiation induced SEL in order to protect the device from over current and overheating.
Featuring specific radiation effect mitigation techniques and utilizing space design de-rating rules, the Rad Hard by Design 3DPM0168 LCL is an ITAR Free product and features a SEL/SEE LETth of 80 Mev.cm2/mg and a TID of 50krad (Si).
The 3DPM0168 allows radiation sensitive devices to be used in space without fear of the device being destroyed by radiation. The device offers L=latch-up and overvoltage protection for power lines from 0.8V to 6V and up to 2A and adjustable run and standby threshold currents.
The device is radiation hardened and can operate in temperatures as low as -55 degrees celsius and as high as 125 degrees celsius.
The 3DPM0168 is manufactured with 3D Plus Space Qualified stacking technology designed for for high reliability applications, and is available in a compact size and low weight 20-pin SOP package.