Posted by Courtney E. Howard
The jury is still out on how President Elect Barack Obama will be as a president. Some would have us believe that he was already failing—several "talk radio" hosts come to mind, in fact—without having even taken the helm. It certainly looks like the "ship" is sinking, but it's not his fault--although regrettably his problem, as well as ours. I thought I'd throw my own bias into the fray, and suggest that Obama might go down as the geekiest President of the United States to date. This moniker is a not a criticism; in fact, I celebrate geeks. Heck, I love geeks—and I'm not alone. (Just visit, a t-shirt of which is shown at right, and you'll see what I mean.) Geeks are cool now; huzzah! I wish that it had been cool when I was in school to be, as I was often called, "a book nerd," but I rejoice nonetheless. Our time has come; better late than never.