TUCSON, Ariz., 24 Aug. 2007. Ionatron Inc., the Laser Guided Energy Company, won a $1,027,000 contract from the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Ind., for development activities relating to counter-IED technology.
This contract is initial funding for engineering development and verification testing of the Dual Effect Standoff IED Neutralization System (DESINS). The DESINS system employs Ionatron technology for neutralization of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). The program was requested by the U.S. Marine Corps and is an outgrowth of technology development and testing activities completed the first quarter of 2007. Funding for this contract is provided by the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), the U.S. Military's organization chartered to lead the effort against the IED threat to U.S. and coalition forces.