SAN DIEGO, Calif., 27 Nov. 2007.Cubic Defence New Zealand , a subsidiary of Cubic Corp., has delivered approximately 1,800 Infantry Weapons Effects Simulation Systems (IWESS) and accessories to the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO).
The systems are prepared for a possible Danish Army Combat Training Centre, to include enhanced Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) facilities.
"The supply of the IWESS system will enable the Danish Armed Forces to immediately commence training for Soldiers, helping prepare Danish Soldiers for peacekeeping in Kosovo and full-spectrum operations in Afghanistan," says Tom Scott, vice president in Cubic's Readiness System Business Unit. "The IWESS system is designed to cost effectively and seamlessly allow the user to add capability -- an effective tool for training in a MOUT environment to meet the threats posed by today's asymmetrical enemy."
Cubic Defence New Zealand's IWESS system for Denmark includes:
-- an Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) capability
-- a Close Quarter Battle (CQB) ability
-- an enhanced range capability allowing events to be reported in real time from the field to an Exercise Control (EXCON) facility
-- the ability to function in any firing position, for example to shoot around corners, and to receive and process simulated effects from grenades,
mines, artillery, mortar, close air support and vehicles
-- RFID-equipped medic key tags to provide correct electronic simulation of medical, maintenance and logistics events
One of the new system's components -- the laser transmitter -- has also been supplied to the Swedish Armed Forces.