GREENWOOD, Ind. – BroadWave Technologies Inc. in Greenwood, Ind. is introducing the model 351-355-XXX* small, lightweight 100-Watt fixed attenuator for radar applications, test and measurement equipment, telecommunications systems, base stations, and high-precision military and defense programs.
The model 351-355-XXX is for analyzing harmonic signals or isolating a device under test. The RF and microwave device is a space-saving 50-Ohm DC-4 GHz attenuator with SMA female connectors.
Standard attenuation values are 3, 6, 10, 20, and 30 decibels. Other attenuation values are available. Other connector types and average power conduction cooled fixed attenuator devices also are available.
Conduction-cooled attenuators mount to a customer-provided heat sink, exhibit 1.45:1 maximum voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) with an operating temperature range of -40 to 40 degrees Celsius.
These attenuators reduce the amount of power delivered in a transmission line without introducing much noise or distortion. For more information contact BroadWave Technologies online at