MI Technologies in Atlanta released version 3.3 of its MI-3000 data acquisition and analysis software with new features to enhance microwave antenna, radar, and radome test and measurement acquisition, plotting, and data-file analysis. New features include: interface to assist MATLAB users; Support for Agilent’s E8257 PSG signal source; front-to-back ratio analysis for single scans or hemispheres of data; memory function in support of the MI-3101/2 signal sources for large frequency sets to minimize initialization times; sizable plot windows; and a “rubber-band” zoom function. MI-Technologies MI-3000 software applications control and collect data from a wide variety of MI Technologies and third-party test and measurement instruments, including the MI-2097 Automated Microwave Measurement System. Common user interfaces and separate software drivers for each instrument provide a flexible platform to allow users to configure the best measurement system to meet their test requirements. For more information contact MI Technologies online at www.mi-technologies.com.