SAN DIEGO – U.S. Navy information security experts needed cyber security detection for a broad range of naval information technology. They found their solution from Accenture Federal Services LLC in Arlington, Va.
Officials of the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) in San Diego announced a potential $789.5 million 10-year contract to Accenture Federal last week for the SHARKCAGE Total Solution project.
SHARKCAGE Total Solution handles cyber security detection and command operations for the Navy. Accenture Federal will provide ashore and afloat SHARKCAGE integrated commercial and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software for defensive cyberspace operations analytics across Navy networks.
The SHARKCAGE Total Solution project involves Navy networks like Information Technology-21, ONENet, Navy/Marine Corps Intranet. It is to provide detection-in-depth and attack sensing and warning capabilities for U.S. Navy maritime networks worldwide.
Related: U.S. military ramps-up cyber security efforts to safeguard mission-critical data
Accenture Federal will handle design, architecture, testing, production, delivery, installation support, and integrated logistics support for the Navy's program executive office for command, control, communications, computers and intelligence cyber security branch.
The company initially will receive $9.9 million for the first delivery order. Accenture Federal will have a five-year ordering period with one option for an additional five years; the project could continue through February 2034.
On this contract Accenture Federal will do the work in San Diego and at naval ashore and afloat platforms and facilities. For more information contact Accenture Federal, or NAVWAR at