British Army considers unmanned ground vehicles for battlefield logistics to support fighting soldiers

Feb. 7, 2022
Unmanned systems can help increase combat power through increasing mass and tempo of resupply, as well as reducing risk-to-life for warfighters.

LONDON – The British Army is exploring the use of robots in conflict zones. Project Theseus is examining how machines could reduce the need for warfighters to risk their lives for battlefield logistics tasks like delivering ammunition, clothing, food, and fuel to the front lines. The BBC reports. Continue reading original article

The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:

7 Feb. 2022 -- Three companies each have been given 3-million-pound contracts to investigate the use of autonomous systems such as unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) and other kinds of robots. The United Kingdom Ministry Of Defence (MOD) procurement arm in Bristol, England, says the plan would enable British Army soldiers to use an Amazon-style delivery service.

The robots will have the ability to operate themselves in the air or on the ground to support soldiers on the battlefield. This first phase of the project will also explore the use of robotic dogs to support troops in dangerous and complex urban environments.

"Robotic and autonomous system capabilities will play an increasing role in delivering deployed sustainment in the near-future, says SO2C Robotic and Autonomous Systems, Future Force Development leader Maj. Matt McGarvey-Miles.

Related: Army asks General Dynamics to design unmanned combat vehicle for battlefield cargo in $249 million contract

Related: U.S. military shifting research and technology development toward armed robotic ground vehicles

Related: Logistics for the transformational force

John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics

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