Solid-state laser for ladar and cube satellite applications introduced by Quantum Composers
Nov. 16, 2016
BOZEMAN, Mont., 16 Nov. 2016. Quantum Composers Inc. in Bozeman, Mont., is introducing the MicroJewel Nd:YAG diode pumped, solid-state laser for industrial and laboratory applications including laser radar (ladar), breakdown spectroscopy, particle image velocimetry and cube satellite systems.
The MicroJewel is for systems designers with limited space and limited power. It is 3 inches long and weighs 40 grams, which makes it suitable for portable, handheld, and mobile LIBS and LIDAR systems.
The MicroJewel is designed with military-grade mounting for the resonator optics to make it a rugged and robust resonator. The MicroJewel is a passive Q-switched laser, and has different optical configurations that can be optimized for different parameters (divergence vs. energy).
The MicroJewel features an integrated thermal management system designed for applications that require high reliability. For more information contact Quantum Composers online at
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