The power electronics devices exhibit capacitance voltage (CV) capabilities similar to those of conventional precious metal electrode (PME) MLCCs, and provide higher capacitance values in significantly smaller case sizes to reduce board space and total component weight, company officials say.
The surface-mount, BME MLCCs also have tin-lead plating with Flexiterm terminations to resist mechanical stress by allowing for more than twice as much board flexure as standard terminations, AVX officials say.
Qualified on the European Space Association's (ESA's) European Preferred Parts List (EPPL II) under the criteria of the European Space Components Coordination's (ESCC's) specification 3009, AVX's space-level BME MLCCs are rated for 16 to 100 volts and 2.2 to 8.2 nanofarads. The devices are available in case sizes spanning 0603-1812.
AVX's space-level, BME MLCCs are available in three capacitance tolerances (plus-or-minus 5 percent, plus-or-minus 10 percent, and plus-or-minus 20 percent) and with three ESCC lot acceptance testing (LAT) levels.
For more information contact AVX online at
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