WALLINGFORD, Conn., 27 Feb. 2009. Ultra Electronics Measurement Systems Inc. (Ultra MSI) in Wallingford, Conn., is choosing Argon Corp. in Great Neck, N.Y., to provide 5-inch rugged LCD displays for Ultra's Freedom of Movement Control Unit (FMCU) for controlling manned and unmanned vehicles.
The FMCU is being field tested for mission-critical control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), including battlefield applications as unmanned vehicles and remote weapon systems.
Argon engineers worked with Ultra MSI to develop a lightweight, low-power, sunlight readable, and shatterproof LCD, which is hot-swappable with the FMCU.
For more information contact Ultra MSI online at www.ultra-msi.comor Argon Corp. at www.argoncorp.com.