JERUSALEM – It may have started slowLY, but Israel is barreling ahead to confront the challenges and opportunities of the quantum computing age which is just over the horizon. The Jerusalem Post reports. Continue reading original article
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
14 Dec. 2020 -- Tal David, head of quantum research in the Israeli Defense Ministry says the Israeli government approved $387.5 million this summer and that a huge volume of quantum technology projects are moving forward.
This is a huge jump from the $31 million announced in December 2018, which was itself a leap forward after Israel spent years watching the U.S, China, and others speed ahead in this race that will redefine most areas of life in the coming decades.
Quantum computers are built differently, using different materials, operate differently, and once at full speed, will achieve results that put today’s computers to shame. A major area that will be transformed is the military, for cracking enemy communications and protecting internal communications, to tracking stealth aircraft and anti-submarine warfare (ASW).
Related: The future of artificial intelligence and quantum computing
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Related: Trusted computing and the challenges of cryptographic algorithms in quantum computing
John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics