The CB70C's design combines with Intel processors to provide PC technology in a rugged small form factor with scalable performance using 1, 2, or 4 processing cores, depending on system requirements.
The Intel Core i7 family provides a core frequency of to 1.2 GHz and a Turbo Boost frequency of 3.1 GHz. The processors also support Intel AMT, Open CL 1.1 and high end graphics.
The BIOS with integrated AMT support can be easily and cost-adapted to the final application. A board management controller supervises board functions and temperatures.
The module offers several I/O interfaces including PCI Express, LVDS, DDI, VGA, HD audio, SATA, Ethernet, and USB. The board has as much as 16 gigabytes of soldered main memory and supports other memory like USB Flash on the carrier board. The CB70C is compatible with COM Express Basic modules of pin-out Type 6.
Embedded in a conduction-cooled cover and frame with a thermal connection to the PCB, the CB70C operates in temperatures from -40 to 85 degrees Celsius. This secure cover also provides EMC protection as well as resistance to high levels of shock, vibration, dust, humidity, and chemicals.
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