Little chance for Pentagon to eliminate programs as 2022 DOD budget reveals Biden investment priorities
WASHINGTON – If you were expecting the Biden administration to cancel a raft of weapons programs inherited from the Trump years, guess again. Forbes reports. Continue reading original article
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
3 May 2021 -- The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) investment priorities revealed by the White House in last Friday’s budget release are nearly identical to those of the Trump administration.
The story being floated by Pentagon officials is that the proposed DOD budget for fiscal 2022 is a placeholder until Biden and company have time to think through their true priorities, which will be reflected in the 2023 budget. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
The more likely outcome is that little will change, for three reasons: First, the proposed 2023 budget will become public in the same year that midterm elections occur, and nobody at the White House wants to rub voters the wrong way by trying to eliminate programs that generate thousands of jobs; there is a striking degree of similarity in the priorities of military experts from both parties; and President Trump generally deferred to those priorities in building his own military budgets.
Related: Defense budgets likely to remain healthy during new Biden Administration
John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics