The XPedite5400 is a high-performance XMC/PrPMC single board computer supporting NXP(formerly Freescale) QorIQ P3 and P4 processors. With a number of processor options tochoose from, X-ES can provide a product to meet the specific power and performancerequirements of today's embedded computing applications.The P4080 processor brings the raw power of eight e500mc cores running at up to 1.5 GHzand dual-channel DDR3 memory, delivering unparalleled multi-core performance. Forapplications that are more power-conscious, the P3041 processor offers four e500mc coresrunning at up to 1.5 GHz with a single channel of DDR3 memory, all within a significantlyreduced power envelope. Additional reduced-function processors are available to meet anypower and performance budget.The XPedite5400 provides a high-performance, feature-rich solution for current and futuregenerations of embedded applications. Wind River VxWorks, Linux and Green HillsINTEGRITY-178 tuMP Board Support Packages (BSPs) are available.