Army researchers investigate long-range facial recognition by combining infrared sensors and face databases

Feb. 4, 2020
Prototype binoculars and laptop translate these thermal images into high-resolution so soldiers can see people’s eyes, nose and mouth in the dark.

ADELPHI, Md. – The U.S. Army is developing technology that will show faces in striking detail from a distance and immediately match them to identity databases — even in the dark. Stars and Stripes reports. Continue reading original article

The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:

4 Feb. 2020 -- The advanced facial recognition technology could aid soldiers in the field, but comes with some growing cyber security challenges, researchers and analysts say.

An Army prototype can boost image quality from thermal infrared cameras, so a soldier can identify faces at night through handheld binoculars from as far as 500 yards away, says Sean Hu, an electronics engineer for the U.S. Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, Md. A computer checks the face and sends a notification if it matches a person on a watch list.

The sensors technology, first announced in 2018, is in the experimental testing phase. The binoculars could enter field testing in just a few years.

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John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics

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