Wirral, Merseyside CH41 5LH


About LDRA



Portside, Monks Ferry
Wirral, Merseyside CH41 5LH
United Kingdom

More Info on LDRA

For more than 40 years, LDRA has led the market with software quality and test tools that automate code analysis for safety-critical and security-critical applications. Works with blue-chip companies worldwide to help them achieve full compliance with the most stringent requirements for software on which businesses and lives depend.



Application-specific software design and development tools for aerospace and defense introduced by LDRA

Domain-specific design tools provide customized solutions that enable companies to meet the certification requirements of different industries.
Ldra 30 Nov 2021

Plugin that integrates software tools offered by LDRA

Jenkins automates software building and connects control systems with automated testing processes for large-scale system-level software projects.

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