
Satellite 24 May 2023

NASA making big push for sophisticated electro-optical sensors for Earth-observation satellites

May 24, 2023
Satellite payloads will involve electro-optical sensors, RF and microwave sensors, or a combination of both -- including hyperspectral sensors.
Cyber Security 26 April 2023
Trusted Computing

U.S. military ramps-up cyber security efforts to safeguard mission-critical data

April 26, 2023
April has seen major new cyber security projects and contracts to safeguard important military information from computer hackers.
Budget Blog 27 March 2023
Defense Executive

Pentagon claims the DOD budget is going up in 2024; that's before we figure-in inflation, the Ukraine war

March 27, 2023
Inflation isn't the only thing eating away at the 2024 DOD budget; consider the ever-more-expensive Ukraine war, which has no end in sight.
Vnx+ 27 Feb 2023

VNX+ and small-form-factor SOSA: the next trend in embedded computing

Feb. 27, 2023
The small size of VNX+ will fit into a five-inch tube to accommodate small-yet-powerful applications, including 100-millimeter cubesats.
Rogue Fires 30 Nov 2022

Unmanned systems to take lead role in defending Marines on invasion beaches from enemy surface warships

Nov. 30, 2022
ROGUE-Fires vehicles will make the most of machine automation and unmanned systems technologies once they hit the beaches with the Marines.